Dear Sir or Madam,


the Emperor-Maximilian-Prize, endowed with 10,000 Euros, is awarded by the City of Innsbruck every two years to outstanding projects and initiatives that creatively and sustainably address current and future challenges of European society under the motto „young-european-united“ – and confront these challenges together.


In this year’s Europe-wide call for applications, flagship projects are sought, which particularly provide role models for young people on how they can shape the future of European society. From January 22, 2025, projects for the Emperor-Maximilian-Prize 2026 can be submitted, with the submission deadline ending on March 27, 2025.


Attached you find the public tender as well as an invitation letter from Mayor Johannes Anzengruber for application or for forwarding to potential applicants.


For further information and the public tender in 35 national languages please visit our website


Please do not hesitate to contact me, in case you have any further questions.


Thank you for your support!


Yours sincerely,

Cornelia Kössler


Landeshauptstadt Innsbruck
International Relations

Cornelia Kößler
Emperor MaximilianPrize

Maria-Theresien-Straße 18
A-6020 Innsbruck
Phone +43 512 5360 2357

English – Englisch