May I draw your attention to the attached call for papers for the upcoming volume of the Austrian Review of International and European Law. The focus section of this volume will be dedicated to (legal) questions arising in connection with advisory opinions issued by international and regional courts (see attached CfP for more information), but we welcome also other submissions on relevant topics of both international and European law. We particularly encourage younger colleagues to submit either longer analytical articles or shorter notes on current developments.


Please feel free to disseminate this CfP to any person(s) interested in publishing in our Review.

Information on the Review can be found at the website of our publisher Brill: (online)


Thank you very much for your consideration!


Stephan Wittich


Professor Dr. Stephan Wittich

Department of European, International and Comparative Law

Section for International Law and International Relations

University of Vienna

Schottenbastei 10-16/2/5

A-1010 Vienna


ARIEL 29 – Call for Papers

Tel.: +43 1 4277 35313

