Yearly Archives: 2022


Diplomatická akadémia Viedeň: Letný kurz nemeckého jazyka a rakúskych reálií

Dear Sir or Madam, The Diplomatic Academy’s well-established “Summer Course for German Language and Austrian Studies” will this year take place from 18 July until 11 August 2022 in Vienna.   The programme is designed to meet the special needs and interests of adult learners (minimum age 18 years) from different professional backgrounds from all [...]

Autor: |2022-04-26T12:25:06+00:0026 apríla, 2022|Podujatia v Rakúsku|0 Komentárov

Ponuka od

Diagonale Festival Pass WtachAUT April2022_Version 2-bilder S touto ponukou od si budete môcť po prvýkrát pozrieť tri kvalitné rakúske filmy - všetkých troch víťazov ceny Diagonale - za špeciálnu cenu v zahraničí bez geoblokácie! S touto ponukou od si budete môcť po prvýkrát pozrieť tri kvalitné rakúske filmy - všetkých troch víťazov ceny [...]

Autor: |2022-03-25T12:31:33+00:0025 marca, 2022|Podujatia v Rakúsku|0 Komentárov

International Summer Academy of the Mozarteum University Salzburg.

Dear Madame or Sir, Dear colleagues from all over the world,   It is my pleasure to inform you about this year's International Summer Academy of the Mozarteum University Salzburg. I would like to invite you to advertise this summer program among young artists in your sphere of influence.   The International Summer Academy of [...]

Autor: |2022-03-17T15:20:59+00:0017 marca, 2022|Podujatia v Rakúsku|0 Komentárov

Štipendiá pre európske fórum Alpbach 2022

Applications for a scholarship at the European Forum Alpbach 2022 are open in March! Students and young professionals under 30 (under 35 for African applicants) from all around the world are invited to apply for a unique programme consisting of scientific and artistic seminars, a high-level conference, and a variety of social and cultural activities. [...]

Autor: |2022-02-21T11:10:32+00:0021 februára, 2022|Podujatia v Rakúsku|0 Komentárov
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