Monthly Archives: marec 2021


Dr. Hugo Portisch: spomienky na detstvo v Bratislave v rokoch 1930 a 1940

Dr. Hugo Portisch: spomienky na detstvo v Bratislave v rokoch 1930 a 1940. Toto video vzniklo v rámci projektu EÚ baum vo februári 2021. Hugo Portisch, bratislavský rodák a slávny rakúsky novinár , sa s nami podelil o veľmi osobné a fascinujúce spomienky. Jeho otec Emil Portisch bol mimochodom posledným šéfredaktorom liberálneho denníka Pressburger [...]

Autor: |2021-03-29T08:11:53+00:0029 marca, 2021|Podujatia v Rakúsku|0 Komentárov

What is is Austria’s biggest online database for scholarships and research grants for all academic areas. Financial support options for students, graduates and researchers range from classical grants and scholarships, allowances and prizes to extensive national, European and international research support programmes. In more than 1,200 entries offers information about Financial support measures for [...]

Autor: |2021-03-17T10:33:56+00:0017 marca, 2021|Podujatia v Rakúsku|0 Komentárov

Fixing the future

Fixing The Future Change begins on a small scale, even if it has the big picture in mind. This sentence stands for the Ö1 initiative Fixing The Future, which has been giving innovative ideas from Austria a media platform since January 2020. Details in Englisch: Fixing the Future -

Autor: |2021-03-10T09:27:10+00:0010 marca, 2021|Podujatia v Rakúsku|0 Komentárov
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